

Azafea pulls events from Redis and stores them in PostgreSQL. As a result, those two servers need to be installed and accessible.

Each can be installed in multiple ways depending on your operating system. A simple installation method is to use Docker, which we will detail below.


Some operating systems provide Podman instead of Docker. For the purpose of this guide, both should be entirely equivalent. If you use Podman, simply replace sudo docker by podman (no sudo required) in all the commands below.


Installing and running Redis with Docker should be as simple as:

$ sudo docker pull redis:latest
$ sudo docker run --publish=6379:6379 redis:latest

If you want Redis to require a password, or for any other local configuration, you can create the /etc/redis/redis.conf file with something like the following:

requirepass S3cretRedisP@ssw0rd

Then instead of the command above, run Redis as follows:

$ sudo docker run --publish=6379:6379 \
                  --volume=/etc/redis/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf:ro \
                  redis:latest redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf


Azafea requires PostgreSQL 11 or later. Installing it with Docker is simply:

$ sudo docker pull postgres:latest

We’ll create a Docker volume to store the data::

# sudo docker volume create postgresql

We can now run PostgreSQL, telling it to use that volume:

$ sudo docker run --env=POSTGRES_USER=azafea \
                  --env=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=S3cretPgAdminP@ssw0rd \
                  --env=POSTGRES_DB=azafea \
                  --publish=5432:5432 \
                  --volume=postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql:rw \


The easiest deployment method is also to use Docker.

You need to first get the sources and build the Docker image:

$ git clone
$ cd azafea
$ sudo docker build --tag azafea .

At this point you will probably want to write a local configuration file before running Azafea.

In particular, you will at the very least want to:

  • change the Redis and PostgreSQL hosts, to point them to the IP addresses of their respective containers;

  • change the Redis and PostgreSQL passwords;

  • add at least one queue configuration.

We recommend saving the configuration file as /etc/azafea/config.toml on the production host.



The commands below all assume that your config file is at /etc/azafea/config.toml. If you saved it elsewhere, you will need to adapt the --volume argument.

Once you built the Docker image and wrote your configuration file, you can ensure that Azafea loads your configuration correctly with the following command:

$ sudo docker run --volume=/etc/azafea:/etc/azafea:ro azafea print-config

If everything is the way you want it, it is time to initialize the database, creating all the tables:

$ sudo docker run --volume=/etc/azafea:/etc/azafea:ro azafea migratedb

Finally, you can run Azafea:

$ sudo docker run --volume=/etc/azafea:/etc/azafea:ro azafea run

Upgrading the Database

New versions of Azafea and/or queue handlers will sometimes modify the database model.

To reflect the code changes into PostgreSQL, you should run the following command every time you update:

$ sudo docker run --volume=/etc/azafea:/etc/azafea:ro azafea migratedb